We have been shortlisted!

We are delighted to confirm that RMG have been shortlisted in the UK Pharma Awards 2024 "Supplier of the Year" category. This is a significant achievement for us, reflecting the innovation and hard work that the team has demonstrated during the last 12 months.

Being considered for this award is not just an acknowledgment of the team’s efforts, but it is also a testament to the relationships that we have built with our clients over the years. Clients who choose us as their recruitment partner, who come back to us project after project and who often refer us to their own networks. We are always grateful to you for your support.

I would like to extend my thanks to the team who have helped us deliver some fantastic projects and, regardless of the outcome of the night, know that we have something to be proud of; to be amongst finalists in such an innovative industry is simply an honour and we look forward to celebrating achievements at the awards final next month.

For more information - https://lnkd.in/e-BZAmyt 
Or to book tickets to join us at the event - https://lnkd.in/e4d6u7UV


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