Top 5 skills for great leaders

Leadership skills

Over the years I have interviewed hundreds of senior executives across the full spectrum of life science and medtech sectors.  Leaders in these sectors play a critical role in driving innovation, managing complex projects, and navigating the ever-changing landscape of scientific advancements and regulatory compliance. In a fast-paced and competitive industry, successful leaders must possess a unique set of skills to effectively lead their teams and organisations towards success. From my experience there are five essential skills that I look for when headhunting.

  1. Visionaries - essential for scientific businesses as they need to anticipate industry trends, identify emerging opportunities, and set a clear direction for their organisations. These leaders must inspire their teams to think beyond the current challenges and envision a future where their technology can be a greater force for good, it’s not just about delivering value for shareholders, a genuine purpose is a must.

  2. Technological acumen - In scientific businesses, technology is at the heart of every process, from research and development to production and data analysis. Leaders must possess a deep understanding of the latest scientific technologies and trends to make informed decisions and leverage technological advancements effectively.

  3. Cross-disciplinary collaboration- Successful businesses often involve multiple disciplines, such as biology, chemistry, engineering, and data science. Leaders must foster a culture of collaboration and effectively bridge the gaps between diverse teams where personality types and skills may vary considerably. Strong communication skills are paramount to ensure seamless knowledge exchange and prevent siloed thinking, allowing for a holistic approach to problem-solving.

  4. Adaptability and resilience - The scientific landscape is constantly evolving, with new discoveries and market dynamics shaping the industry. Leaders must be adaptable and quick to respond to unexpected challenges or disruptions. Resilience is crucial to maintain a sense of stability and confidence within the organisation during turbulent times, enabling teams to stay focused and committed to their goals.

  5. Ethical core - Scientific businesses often deal with sensitive information and ethical considerations. Leaders must make decisions that align with ethical standards, foster trust amongst employees, investors, and customers, enhancing the organisation's reputation and sustainability. This is a tough skill to judge, and most leaders would  argue that they have strong ethical principals, but it’s an important skill to that needs testing.


Visionary leaders who possess technological acumen, foster cross-disciplinary collaboration, demonstrate adaptability, and prioritise ethical decision-making are more likely to navigate the challenges of the scientific industry successfully and attract the very best talent in the industry to drive growth and differentiation. Sounds simple to find? It rarely is, which is why so many growth-orientated businesses turn to Exec-Search firms to help build successful Boards.



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